Election 2020 – Election Results Unknown – 6am CST

Written 6am CST: Below the asterisk is what I wrote last night before I conked out 😴 I’ll post a couple of tweets of what the situation appears to be right now.

My most important observation of all that’s transpired this election, is a confirmation of what I have said at the end of each post in this Election 2020 series – we the people of the United States desperately need a standardized non-partisan law in regard to all things voting : voting machines, mailin voting, voting locations, #s of voting locations – all open to non-partisan inspection and confirmation – all equal across all voting jurisdictions across our country.

Here goes, all the best everyone, for a true and fair count of our votes 🙏


Overwhelmingly, the tweets today (Election Day) have been to STAY IN LINE & VOTE! 😊

Good advice from both side of the political divide. I’m preparing this post at 5:30ish CST, and can’t decide how to proceed. There’s so much interesting moment by moment info that came through in the morning alone, took a break for Sheila & I to eat then walk in the sunshine in the early afternoon, then painted (a tiny bit) plus absorbent ground coated some panels and a canvas late afternoon. IF there’s an election consensus I’ll post it, but either way, below it, if there’ one, I’ll simply tweet-post all kinds of info and encouragement and news that made today, Election 2020, the first I’ve ever experienced in such immediacy of information and such breadth of coverage across so many parts of our country, and even areas of my own state, Texas — astounding and amazing experience! ❤️ Tweets’ll be from earlier in the day (beginning of post) to as far as I make it into the night (toward bottom of post), lol!


Reminiscing-tweet ‘bout the old days of campaigning – my fav president btw! 😊

Recognizing problems needing solving – I know, among the hundreds of other voting problems; standardization’d for the whole country, top to bottom, would help —


Moments of encouragement in general about getting the population involved and voting.

I remember voting at 18 😊


And finally, I’ll close as I’ve done the last few posts, finishing with –


My feeling is we need a national voting law or act that universalizes voting rights and procedures for all of us, of any political party, from top to bottom, in all voting jurisdictions in our country.

Vote, and vote early everyone! 😊 🇺🇸


My Election 2020 series –


I’m putting my regular posting on hold (‘cept for an art post or so 😊) until after the election.

It’s as good of a positive excuse as I’ll ever need, lol! I’m running incredibly behind uploading to Fine Art America original work I’m producing (meaning I’m still painting! ❤️), and struggling to keep up my Old American Artist tweet-posts w/the actual release of them on Twitter. And, haven’t done one follow up on my newsletter in, what, a month! So here’s the plan –

Once we’re past the election by a few days to a week, I plan to :

  1. Resume posting my Twitter tweet excerpt posts from The Old American Artist, Monday-Friday. If you’d like an earlier look, I’ll still be posting them onto Twitter itself (the blog postings lag the actual tweets by a few days) and can be followed via the hashtag #OldAmericanArtistExcerpts @FelipeAdanLerma . My tweet excerpt series itself here on my blog is at – https://felipeadanlerma.com/tag/oldamericanartistexcerpts/ .
  2. Resume posting my Fine Art America upload series with commentary. Considering I’m still blogging ‘bout pic I uploaded spring of 2006, that series has a “long” way to go, lol! That series, also here on my site, is at – https://felipeadanlerma.com/tag/my-faa-image-series/ .
  3. Resume posting my Tweets That Caught My Eye on Twitter series. Of the three currently running/returning series – this is the most varied and diverse : art to science to poetry to saying to simply an image; from humorous to serious to sensuous and odd ball in-between 😊 this is a fun series for me, and, based on my views, for my readers. I hope you’ll take a look and discover some interesting folks to follow on Twitter! That series is tagged as – https://felipeadanlerma.com/tag/tweets-that-caught-my-eye/ .

Meanwhile, I’ll try to –

  1. Catch up (at least somewhat) uploading my current art work (mostly watercolors w/touches of gouache) onto Fine Art America .
  2. Get a newsletter on my available art sent out.
  3. Post a few art related posts to compliment the Election 2020 series. One such topic I want to do is a review of Arteza’s watercolor brush pens I’ve used the past few days on two watercolors. My review of the 24 pen set on Amazon is at – https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R27VQOSU9JVWO2/ . They were quite fun to use 😊
  4. And, of course, present this new time limited (I hope! 😂) series – Election 2020. My objective, though I have my own strong preferences, is to encourage folks to exercise their constitutional right to vote, for whomever one prefers. I’ll probably post tweets that emphasize how the election is shaping up in terms of voting rights, voting numbers, and current voting related court cases – vs commentary specific to one candidate in terms of their position.

More of my posters / sayings currently available on Fine Art America art at –
https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/felipeadan-lerma?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=651453 .

Take care everyone! Vote! For whomever you like, but exercise our free constitutional right to choose who represents us! 💕


My Related Amazon Affiliate Search Products

The Old American Artist, literary fiction novella by Felipe Adan Lerma Amazon - https://amzn.to/2UY6yT2 Universal Link - Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo & more - https://books2read.com/u/mglGA7 Paintings on Fine Art America - https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/felipeadan-lerma.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=702859
The Old American Artist, literary fiction novella by Felipe Adan Lerma, Amazon – https://amzn.to/2UY6yT2
Universal Link – Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo & more – https://books2read.com/u/mglGA7
My Paintings on Fine Art America – https://felipeadan-lerma.pixels.com/collections/paintings
Excerpts from The Old American Artist on my site – https://felipeadanlerma.com/tag/oldamericanartistexcerpts/

My Related Posts Here On My Blog

My Latest Posts On My Website!

Thanks again, everyone! 😊


Artist self portrait - photo of Felipe Adan Lerma on converted railway track bike ferry for the Island Line Trail connecting mainland Vermont to South Hero on Lake Champlain.

Twitter / Instagram / FB @FelipeAdanLerma
Amazon Author Page – https://amzn.to/2YpgyUf
Fine Art America (FAA) – https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/felipeadan-lerma.html

Good Morning Bird Poster ©Felipe Adan Lerma https://felipeadan-lerma.pixels.com/featured/birds-and-fun-at-butler-park-austin-birds-3-detail-macro-poster-good-morning-felipe-adan-lerma.html

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